RoboCup 2021 FAQ

RoboCup 2021 Organizational FAQ


  • RoboCup 2021 OC has selected to provide the central services for RoboCup 2021.

  • All central events appear on the Main Stage, which is denoted by a star in the navigation menu. These events include the opening ceremony, final games in each league (if possible), the Junior and Major award ceremonies, all presentations of the symposium.

  • For each of the 15 RoboCup leagues (12 Major and 3 Junior leagues) a so-called discussion room will be provided. The activities in each league are all in parallel, like parallel sessions in a conference. They can be found in the navigation menu by the microphone symbol as well as by the schedule symbol.

  • The leagues can provide the input to each of their rooms in different ways, e.g., as Youtube streaming or as Zoom video conference. The room itself outputs a video and audio stream that can be received all over the world (including China and Iran). Each league room also has a chat function.

  • More information:

  • Underline has high flexibility to adapt to different needs of the league organizers. But the needs and options need to be discussed in advance to be able to account for them.

    • In case the plan for a league has already been worked out completely, it can be figured out, how to just best plug this into Underline's platform.

    • In case a league is still exploring options, we encourage them to explore these directly with Underline.

2. Open Issues Underline Platform: To be answered by the RoboCup leagues

  • For each league we need to clarify

    • what will be the technical system to be used internally (if it is already booked or support is needed from either Underline or RCF), so that it can be clarified, how to input this into the league room on Underline's platform

    • what will be the schedule of events planned during June 22 and June 27,

    • who is the main point of contact in each league for Underline

    • if the league can provide one or two technically versatile persons to help in operating the league room

  • ...

3. Further Open Issues: To be answered by OC

  • Schedule and results:

    • How shall schedules in each league be published?

    • How shall results in each league be collected and published?

    • Shall there be a central results page or decentralized results pages for each league?

  • News and media

    • Central or decentralized posting of news, photos, videos from the leagues? Using RoboCup social media channels?